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The reasons for exposing the self can be very different and it belongs to the daily routine on social networks and other online platforms.

The visual way seems to be the first catching and aspects from the more primal kind like nudity or sexuality to very profound subjects of emotionality, love, empathy and the global feeling of togetherness are discussed.


So the heart is the symbol for the inner of a howsoever feeling being. 

The anatomical view of a heart may first appear to be factual, kind of medical in a way. 

But in fact it is very intimate to let someone get close to a beating heart. 

What will happen if a living heart in a person’s body is shown to be experienced simultaneously with the owner of that heart exhibitionistic observing the observer?


Dextrokardie/Dextrocardia is a video-performance silently confronting the viewer with an extrovert expression of the artist’s body.

The artist is her own tool using imaging methods so the work is as well a portrait. 

And as the heart is something very connective, in some cases the heart is not only proverbial in the right place, but on the right side so it’s called dextrocardia.

Video (Installation + Still), Loop 3 Min. 
Plan D, Düsseldorf 2016


152,5 cm

52 Kg

Situs solitus abdominalis und atrialis,

Dextroversio cordis.


atrio-ventrikuläre Konkordanz.

Superior-anteriore Ventrikellage.

Subaortaler VSD.

Straddelnde Mitralklappe zum Papillarmuskel links.

Double outlet right ventricle.

Normalstellung der großen Gefäße

April 89: Pulmonal-arterielles Banding (Köln),

14.09.1995: Explorative Kardiotomie (Bad Oeyenhausen).

12.09.2001:Patchverschluss des Ventrikelseptumdefekts


Debanding der Pulmonalarterie, Erweiterung der Pulmonalarterie mit Patch (München)

Miniatur/e example
(low resolution)
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